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On the weekend of 28/29 September was held the Suponts Héros tournament on the campus of ISAE-SUPAERO! This sports tournament was an opportunity to host 170 students from the Ponts-et-Chaussées for many meetings in more than a dozen sports, and enjoy the Saturday evening organized by the BDE.

Huge thanks to Raphaël Estournet for the photos !!! (look below)


The results are as follows:

Foot M: Equality

Foot F: Supaero

Hand M: Ponts

Hand F: Supaero

Volley M: Ponts

Volley F: Ponts

Rugby M: Supaero

Rugby F: Ponts

Basketball M: Equality

Basketball F: Supaero

Tennis: Ponts

Race M: Ponts

Race F: Supaero

Swimming: Equality

Water polo: Supaero

Pompom: Supaero

Table tennis: Ponts

Bad: Supaero

Climbing: Supaero


The price of the sports was thus given to Supaero, the Ponts-et-Chaussées won the price of the atmosphere !!


Next year Suponts Heroes will take place at the Ponts-et-Chaussées!

Return to previous years editions:

Suponts Héros 2018

Suponts Héros 2017


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